To Be An Excellent Brand of
Pharmaceutical Intermediates Manufacturer in the world
Chinese Products Name | English Products Name | CAS No. | Detail |
A01 | 甲氧亚胺基呋喃乙酸铵盐 | Z-2-Methoxyimino-2-(2-furyl)acetic acid ammonium salt, 99% | 97148-39-5 | MORE |
GH01 | 甲氧基胺盐酸盐 | Methoxyammonium chloride | 593-56-6 | MORE |
GIP01 | 甲基丙烯腈 | Methacrylonitrile | 126-98-7 | MORE |
GIP02 | 肟菌酯 | Trifloxystrobin | 141517-21-7 | MORE |
GIP03 | 间三氟甲基苯乙酮 | Product Name:3'-(Trifluoromethyl)acetophenone | 349-76-8 | MORE |
GIP04 | (E)2-甲氧基亚胺基-[(2-邻甲基苯基)]乙酸甲酯 | Methyl 2-(MethoxyiMino)-2-o-tolylacetate | 120974-97-2 | MORE |
GIP05 | 叶酸 | Folic acid | 59-30-3 | MORE |
GIP06 | 1,1,3-三氯丙酮 | 1,1,3-Trichloroacetone | 921-03-9 | MORE |
GA001 | 2-噻吩乙酸 | 2-Thiopheneacetic acid | 1918-77-0 | MORE |
GA002 | 2-噻吩乙酰氯 | 2-Thiopheneacetyl chloride | 39098-97-0 | MORE |
GA003 | 苯乙酸 | Phenylacetic acid | 103-82-2 | MORE |
GA004 | 对甲基苯乙腈 | 4-Methylbenzyl cyanide | 2947-61-7 | MORE |
GA005 | 邻氯苯乙酸 | 2-Chlorophenylacetic acid | 2444-36-2 | MORE |
GA006 | 邻甲基苯乙酸 | o-Tolylacetic acid | 644-36-0 | MORE |
GA007 | 邻羟基苯乙酸 | 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid | 614-75-5 | MORE |
GA008 | 邻氯苯乙腈 | 2-Chlorobenzyl cyanide | 2856-63-5 | MORE |
GA009 | 邻甲基苯乙腈 | 2-Methylbenzyl cyanide | 22364-68-7 | MORE |
GA010 | 亚甲氨基乙腈 | N-Methy leneglycinonitrile | 109-82-0 | MORE |
GA011 | 氨基乙腈盐酸盐 | Glycinonitrile hydrochloride | 6011-14-9 | MORE |
GA012 | 萘乙酸甲酯 | Methyl 1-naphthaleneacetate | 2876-78-0 | MORE |
GA013 | 噻吩 | Thiophene | 110-02-1 | MORE |
GA014 | 1,2,3-三乙酰氧基-5-脱氧-D-核糖 | 1,2,3-Triacetyl-5-deoxy-β-D-ribose | 62211-93-2 | MORE |
GA015 | 反式-4-甲基-环己基-异氰酸酯 | trans-4-Methyl Cyclohexyl Isocyanate | 32175-00-1 | MORE |
GA016 | 4-[2-(3-乙基-4-甲基-2-氧代-3-吡咯啉-1-甲酰胺基)乙基]-苯磺酰胺 |
4-[2-[(3-Ethyl-4-methyl-2-oxo-3-pyrrolin-1-yl)carboxamido] |
119018-29-0 |
GA017 | 膦酰基乙酸三甲酯 | Trimethyl phosphonoacetate | 5927-18-4 | MORE |
GA018 | 埃索美拉唑钠 | Esomeprazole sodium | 161796-78-7 | MORE |
GA019 | 埃索美拉唑镁三水 | Esomeprazole magnesium trihydrate | 217087-09-7 | MORE |
GA020 | 乌非拉唑 | Ufiprazole | 73590-85-9 | MORE |
GA021 | 硫氰酸胺 | Ammonium thiocyanate | 1762-95-4 | MORE |
GA022 | D-双氢苯甘氨酸甲基邓钠盐 | D(-)-Dihydro Phenylglycine Sodium dane Salt | 26774-89-0 | MORE |
Address : No.588 Zixing Road,Zizhu National High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Minhang , Shanghai China
Zip code: 200241
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